Now that you are one of us, you will be needing one of these.
We know how hard the journey of head and neck cancer is on patients and their whānau. We have a gift for you to make your journey a bit easier. We have a support pack for you and your carer to help keep track of treatment. It encourages you to set goals and to track your progress over time. You can share your planner with your treatment team so they know more about you.
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One of our members contacted us seeking support after her father was diagnosed with head and neck cancer. We provided a support pack for the family and this is what she told us after receiving our patient pack.
🌟 Patient Support Pack
”I want to touch base to say thank you so much for the support pack, which I passed on to my Dad yesterday after it arrived in the post.
The pack came at a very timely moment, as my Dad had just been discharged from his second hospital stay in 6 weeks and was feeling a bit down when I visited yesterday - the pack lifted his spirits a bit.
And particularly helpful were the patient planner booklets! With so many new appointments on the calendar since my Dad's Stage IV diagnosis in January, the patient planner was really useful to sit down and use with Mum and Dad yesterday, to help map out their next few weeks, with upcoming appointments as well as scheduling in some time that's not related to medical appointments and Dad's cancer. If possible, I'd love to request some more of those patient planner booklets once we run out of the ones that were sent in the pack, as they are incredibly useful.
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